#carlymillspioneergirl #theladywiththelamp #bookcampaign #booksontourpr

Celebrating the release of the exciting time-travelling adventure, Carly Mills Pioneer Girl 4; The Lady with the Lamp by Jane Smith, published by Big Sky Publishing.

Please follow Jane Smith at her website: Jane Smith, Author – Home (janesmithauthor.com)

The official Carly Mills, Pioneer Girl website: CARLY MILLS, PIONEER GIRL – Carly Mills, Pioneer Girl (carlymillspioneergirl.com)

Facebook Instagram Twitter

The Carly Mills, Pioneer Girl series is available for purchase through: Big Sky Publishing | Booktopia

PLUS! Special Co-Hosts…

Ashleigh Meikle @The Book Muse

Nadia L King

Cameron Macintosh’s Book Chat

Michelle Worthington @Ask a Creative

Vanessa Ryan-Rendall @Educate.Empower

Melissa Gijsbers @Junior Writers Club


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