Educational Activities: Responsibility with The Mouse and the Egg

#thewindandthemouse #themousenandtheegg #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Willing Kids Program series provides myriad of opportunities for literacy and social-emotional growth in young children, and to a range of abilities. The first two books, The Wind and the Mouse and The Mouse and the Egg, focus on themes such as kindness, responsibility, adapting to change and courage, in fun, gentle and […]

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Accessing Stories – Interview with Michelle Worthington

#thewindandthemouse #themousenandtheegg #bookcampaign #booksontourpr We love learning about the back story, rewards and challenges with what goes with producing new books. We’re delighted to have a chat with international award-winning author, Michelle Worthington about her latest releases in The Willing Kids Program; The Wind and the Mouse and The Mouse and the Egg! Thanks, Michelle! 🙂 […]

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