The Quick Six Interview with Bec Nanayakkara and Joanna Bartel on The Book Star

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Bec Nanayakkara and Joanna Bartel! It is with twinkling delight to welcome a fabulous duo to the blog today – author Bec Nanayakkara and illustrator Joanna Bartel! Their beautiful picture book, The Book Star, is a heartfelt and inspiring story about being true to yourself, self-expression, creativity, a love of science […]

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Our Country, Our Stories – Reviews and Activities

It’s that glorious time again where teachers, parents, children, literacy creatives and advocates raid the bookshelves (and craft cupboards) in honour of the annual Book Week celebrations! Hosted by the Children’s Book Council of Australia and running from August 20th to 26th, this year’s theme is inspiring; it’s ‘Australia! Story Country’. Last year I wrote […]

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More Books to Light Up Our World

Our literary professionals are awe-inspiring. Their ability to write, illustrate and market these books to foster a love of reading and learning throughout the nation, and the world, is remarkable. The potential they have in capturing young people’s hearts and minds is nothing short of extraordinary. Having some of these wonderful books celebrated and acknowledged […]

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Books Light Up Our World – Picture Book Reviews and Activities

Book Week is hosted annually by the Children’s Book Council of Australia and this year marks the 70th anniversary celebration in honour of the inspirational work of Australian authors and illustrators. By promoting books we, as parents, educators, writers, children’s literacy advocates, are encouraging children to read and inherit a love of books, and a […]

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