Featured Author: Wendy Haynes
Wendy Haynes

#haydensbedtime #blogcampaign #booksontourpr #day1 We’re diving into a new year of book campaigns, beginning with a playful tale to soothe any restless little body – it’s Hayden’s Bedtime, featuring its sensational author, Wendy Haynes!   Wendy will share with us her inspirations and passions along our campaign journey, and just like her story, we’ll mix […]

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Pitch It! Competition 2018 Winners

Over the month of September, Just Write For Kids Australia held its first writing competition. The theme was to write a pitch based on a children’s or young adult manuscript, aimed at publishers in under 150 words. The expert panel of judges were given the enormous task of processing 100 entries with consideration to the […]

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Pitch It Competition

Just Write For Kids Competition – Pitch It! Just Write For Kids is very excited to announce the very first writing competition; Pitch It! If you’re like most writers, you’re probably itching for the chance to skip the slush pile and get your manuscript directly on the desk a publishing editor. I’ll bet you also […]

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