The JWFK Members’ Top Picks of 2019!

Last year I decided that for me to pick only a handful of favourite children’s books would be a little self-indulgent, and to be honest, way too difficult with the insurmountable amount of quality books released in Australia each year. So, I drew upon the brains trust of the Just Write For Kids author and […]

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Jo Sandhu’s Mammoth Success: Part Two

In Part One of this interview with Jo Sandhu, we looked at how she started out writing and how she got her foot in the door of the publishing house at Penguin. In Part Two,  we drill down into the details of publication, editing and bringing out a series, and more. Jo has woven some great […]

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KidLitVic2016 Meet the Publishers Day by Alison Reynolds

Guest Post by Alison Reynolds Just Write For Kids is delighted to welcome Alison Reynolds to share about her exciting upcoming event – KidLitVic2016 in Melbourne this May. Alison and Dee White together have organised this prodigious occasion in support of emerging and accomplished authors and illustrators seeking tips and feedback from expert publishing professionals. […]

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