#BookReview: My Brain is Magic; A Sensory-Seeking Celebration, Prasha Sooful (author), Geeta Ladi (illus.), Soaring Kite Books, July 2023.


Is your brain magic?

Does it turn into a bee or a lion? Let’s take a journey to find out!

This sensory-seeking celebration shines a light on sensory processing and neurodiversity in a fun and action-packed way for all children to enjoy.


I love the energy that exudes from this book from the very first page (actually, the cover is pretty enticing, too!) with beams of light and sparkles, magic and pure joy for our curious brains! Inspired by her first-hand experience with a sensory-seeker of her own, author, mum and audiologist Prasha Sooful is a powerful advocate for celebrating the complexities and wonders of neurodiversity and sensory processing needs. And she does so in such an engaging, playful and relatable way!

Written from the child’s perspective, we are met with a busy, buzzy little girl sharing the amazing things her brain can do. Young readers will most certainly light up with excitement as they discover ‘themselves’ and their own interests and abilities represented throughout the book. Like many children, the narrator shares her affinity for discovering, sensing and feeling the world around her. Here, we are invited into the child’s completely and beautifully visceral celebration of the brain by association with various creatures and how they relate to all of senses, the experiments, the accidents, and of course, the emotions that keep her ‘on her toes’ (not to mention her parents’ toes!) throughout the day and night.

‘Sometimes my brain is an octopus. It wants me to touch everything!’

‘Sometimes my brain is a sloth, moving very slowly.’

‘My brain is MAGIC!’

Along with the magic and mix of intensity and serenity seen (check out the fonts!) and felt in Sooful’s affective narration, Geeta Ladi’s gorgeous illustrations are an utter delight to pore over and become swept up in all the energy and movement. Her crayon-quality textures and blend of colourful, cool and fiery tones aptly radiate with emotion, combined with the body and facial characteristics, sequences and expressions that, as Prasha puts it, so ‘intuitively’ capture the little girl’s spirit. I adore the hidden visual clues to find each represented animal, but especially the adoring, affectionate kitten friend ever-present in her world.

A helpful resource section for parents and educators at the back of the book provide that much-needed guidance in understanding and supporting young people with sensory or neurodiverse needs. Plus, included is an incredible addition of a dust jacket with a poster of the animal actions that adults and children can dramatise with the aide of sensory props. Brilliant!

My Brain is Magic; A Sensory-Seeking Celebration is a reassuring, playful and wonder-full story, beautifully written and illustrated to gift sensory-seeking children the magic of being able to relate, reflect and accept themselves for who they are. This enchanting picture book is a valuable and loveable resource for all families, educators and specialists.  

Review by Romi Sharp.

Prasha Sooful can be found at her profile and Instagram.

My Brain is Magic is available for purchase at:


Be a Part of the Magic – WIN My Brain is Magic!

Answer, ‘Which animal/s from My Brain is Magic do you most identify with?

Email justwriteforkidsblog@gmail.com with your response. More details can be found here.

Join this campaign full of play and curiosity with Prasha Sooful and her valuable picture book, My Brain is Magic: A Sensory-Seeking Celebration, intriguing readers across the blogosphere! 

#mybrainismagic #asensoryseekingcelebration #sensoryprocessing #acceptance #picturebooks #justkidslit

3 thoughts to “#BookReview: My Brain is Magic by Prasha Sooful and Geeta Ladi

  • Norah

    This is a gorgeous book. You’ve described it well.

    • Just Write For Kids

      Thanks, Norah! I enjoyed your thoughtful review as well! It’s definitely a valuable book for all xx

      • Norah

        It is, indeed.


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