#OrisCleanUp #BlogTourĀ #BooksOnTour #Day1

Tell us how you help the environment and you could WIN!

Do you recycle, reuse, compost or donate? One simple act on a regular basis can greatly help to improve the quality of our environment.

So tell us, name the last item you recycled, reused, composted or donated.

You will go in the draw to WIN a large, hardback copy of the engaging picture book, Ori’s Clean-Up by Anne Helen Donnelly!

*Open to Australian residents only. To enter, comment on this post or on social media. Winner will be notified via email and/or Facebook and will be required to provide an Australian postal address. Prize courtesy of Anne Donnelly.

Enter as many times as you like. Winner will be selected at random. No further correspondence will be entered into.

Closes midnight AEST Friday August 10, 2018.

#bookgiveaway #recycle #waronwaste #picturebookĀ 

Subscribe atĀ Books On Tour to stay in the loop.

12 thoughts to “Clean Up with Ori for a Chance to WIN!

  • have2have1

    I bought up scraps of wool from Op-Shops and knitted up ten, bright, stripy scarves and donated them to a centre in Adelaide who gave them to those living rough on the streets.

    • Just Write For Kids

      Amazing, Janeen! One brilliant cause to another! Love that! šŸ™‚

  • Norah

    What a great competition with a wonderful prize. Clean Up with Ori sounds like a lovely book encouraging us all to be more responsible in what we consume and how we care for our Earth. I have a lovely fold-up shopping bag that was given to me by a friend many years ago. I always carry it with me in my handbag ready to use when I pop into the shops unexpectedly. On planned shopping trips I always use reusable bags. I also avoid using plastic for fruit and vegetables by using my lovely Green Sacks which I have had for quite a few years now. I guess the last things I reused were these shopping bags. Using them becomes a habit, a state of mind.

    • Just Write For Kids

      Fantastic! Double the saving on plastic bag use! We always leave our bags in the boot of the car, as you say, it becomes a habit. Thanks, Norah! šŸ™‚

      • Norah

        If we all do a little bit, it adds up to a big bit.

  • S Smith

    Most of the public library programming I develop encourage kids to help look after our environment and we use recycled resources so the kids can replicate the craft/art at home.

    • Just Write For Kids

      Great idea! Helps the environment and saves on costs – perfect! šŸ™‚

  • Genelle

    I work with young children at chikdcare and we encourage re-using water on our gardens and all equipment at the centre is all upcycled or donated by families. We are beginning to refrain from using any plastics and have stopped using things like straws and glitter for art as these can hurt the environment especially those in the sea. I would love to read this book to the children for more education šŸ™‚

    • Just Write For Kids

      That sounds fantastic, Genelle! I love that your Centre is so environmentally aware! Good luck! šŸ™‚

  • Debra Tidball

    Shopping bag, shopping bag, shopping bag! Not much choice these days šŸ™‚ I must say I am enjoying some of the lovely prints on the bags. I also take back refillable containers for cashews and almonds at my local Persian treats shop.

    • Just Write For Kids

      Good on you, Debra! Why not shop in style!! šŸ˜‰

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