image-5It’s no mystery that Julie Anne Grasso is a phenomenon when it comes to transmitting positive vibes through her writing. And it is no different in our ‘Sci-Fi’ themed interview today! Thanks, Julie! 😎🔍

What is the most imaginative book you’ve ever read?

Definitely the Harry Potter Series. I don’t think anything has captured my attention with all its details as much as J.K Rowling’s writing.

Which particular book passage or illustration do you find to be out of this world?

IMG_0322.JPGWe have a Doctor Who print in our house that I just love. I am a huge fan of the series, and when I look at this print, I see endless possibilities of time and relative dimensions in space….

Which author / illustrator would you travel through time to meet?

Anne McCaffrey. She was an incredible Sci Fi author. The first book I read of hers called The Rowan, was so ahead of its time with its use of telepathy and telekinesis. I was a reluctant reader until I began to read science fiction.

Where do you see yourself in the year 2036?

Still dreaming up words involving cupcakes, eating cupcakes, baking cupcakes for my kids and reading my books aloud to every school aged kid in Australia.

In which literary time and setting would you most like to visit? Why?

I love steam punk, so I guess the Edwardian era, but the steam punk version.

Favourite literary invention:

Why the time machine of course!!!!!

Finish the sentence… “He mysteriously disappeared into…”
An alternate reality where Zephyrs ruled the skies and cupcakes were not the slightest bit fattening.

Which classic book do you wish you had written?

Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle In Time. I’d probably edit it down a bit though!

Which Science Fiction literary character best represents you? Why?

imageI would have to say my own character in Caramel Cinnamon from Escape From The Forbidden Planet. She’s a telepathic elf who wants to be a healer but has to save her grandparents and her planet first, all the while dealing with her issues of insecurity. She was my first character and I think has more of my personality traits including flaws than I should probably admit to.

What advice would you give to future writers and illustrators?

Perseverance…. Absolutely nothing in publishing happens overnight. It takes time to learn to write something that will engage children and inspire them to read on. It takes a great deal of editing to make your words shine. It takes networking and diligent promotion including building an author platform in order to ensure that your painstaking prose is actually read.

Thank you for your brilliant answers, Julie! 🔆🍥

With a background in paediatric nursing, Julie Anne Grasso spent many years literally wrapping children in cotton wool. Every day she witnessed courage and resilience from the tiny people she cared for, which inspired her to write stories to entertain them.

A self-confessed science fiction nerd and cupcake enthusiast, Julie is a middle grade author of The Adventures Of Caramel Cardamom Trilogy and Frankie Dupont Mysteries. She is represented by Rebecca Angus at Golden Wheat Literary for her unpublished pictures books and middle grade steam punk timey wimey adventures.

Julie Anne can be found at her website, blog, Facebook and Twitter pages.



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