We’re thrilled to have this bubbly author skate by to share and celebrate the joy of her latest release! Sparkly, colourful, energetic and empowering – Easy Peasy is a fun and playful picture book with valuable themes of independence, perseverance and trusting in the support of family members. Ky Garvey, together with illustrator Amy Calautti, bring the skill of learning to roller skate to the forefront with their young Ruby literally rolling off the pages and into our hearts. Let’s meet the creators! 🙂

Ky Garvey is a mother to two boys who are both diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and ADHD. Through her experiences with her boys, she has been inspired to write fun and engaging stories that turn challenges into triumphs. Ky aims to share supportive, inclusive and empowering stories for children.

Ky also writes and hosts the podcast Totally Lit!; a monthly podcast celebrating reading, writing and creating literature. The podcast features amazing writers, illustrators and all types of creators of books and stories.

Ky can be found through Facebook and Instagram, and her Totally Lit Podcast

Amy Calautti loved to draw from a young age and often made up games based around drawing to entertain her younger brother and cousins. She now lives with her small tribe of humans who inspire her every day.

Amy can be found at her Amy Gorgeousness website

And on social media at Facebook and Instagram

Author Ky Garvey shares her inspiration for Easy Peasy

Ky Garvey was initially inspired by her son, who as a little boy loved his skateboard so much that he took it to bed with him every night like a teddy bear. But as she began to write, she remembered the joy of roller skating with her dad at the local rink every Saturday morning.

As Ky puts it, ‘It was a treasured time together and I wanted to reflect that relationship in my book.’

‘It was something we could do together that we both enjoyed and kept us fit and healthy too.’

Ky would like young readers to find the opportunities for learning while having fun; to practice persistence even when it feels too hard, and ask for help from time to time.

‘When we are learning something new it is OK to admit that we might need some help and that the people around us who love us are there to teach us and guide us.’

 Ky has dedicated her picture book, Easy Peasy to her Dad – her first skating partner; her Mum – who bought her the first pair of skates; partner and children – the best support crew a writer could ever have.

Congratulations, Ky, for your beautiful story that reminds us of the special relationships in our lives – to those that guide and support us, even on the wobbly days!

Easy Peasy is available for purchase at:

EK Books

Join this energetic campaign with Ky Garvey and her fun picture book, Easy Peasy, motivating readers across the blogosphere!

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