Just Write For Kids is very excited to announce the very first illustrator competition; Reinventing the Look!
We know just how lucky and blessed we are to be in the presence of so many amazingly talented Australian children’s book illustrators. And with Just Write For Kids now in its fifth year, it’s time to call on our wonderful artists to help reinvent our look!
Would you like your beautiful art to be the new face of our ever-growing website and social media channels?
Great prizes for the winner, and every entry showcased in our ‘Just Picture This’ Gallery… why not enter?!
Here are the specs…
2018 Just Write For Kids Illustrator Competition
Welcome to our very first competition! And we’re kicking off with an opportunity for ILLUSTRATORS to showcase their talents and gain large exposure of their work.
Australian Animals and Literature
The Brief: Reinterpret and reinvent the Just Write For Kids’ current banner with your own style.
March 1st 2018
April 30th 2018
(9PM Melbourne/Sydney time)
All illustrators within Australia, published or unpublished in the children’s book industry.
Each entry will be original artwork and represent the given theme.
The winning image will be the face of the Just Write For Kids Australia website and social media, with free lifetime access to our suite of promotional services + $30 book voucher.
Entry is free.
Multiple entries will be accepted.
All entries are to be submitted electronically at high resolution. Scanned and photographed illustrations should be submitted at the highest quality possible.
All entries will receive acknowledgement upon receipt via email within 24 hours.
Please email the following to jwfkcompetition (AT) gmail (DOT) com:
In the Subject Line:
JWFK Illustrator Competition Entry
In the Body of the Email:
Your full name
Your website / portfolio
Medium used
Your completed illustration saved as your name as JPEG or PDF
(N.B. Please INITIAL/SIGN your work, and include our title ‘Just Write For Kids’)
Orientation: Landscape
Dimensions: Equivalent to approximately 851 x 314 pixels / 22.5cm x 8.3cm / 14in x 5in
We cannot provide feedback for entries. However, all illustrations will appear on the Just Write For Kids website in a special gallery after the completion of the competition.
Entries will be judged by members of the Just Write For Kids team (director Romi Sharp, authors Debra Tidball and Renee Price) and picture book illustrator experts, Kathy Creamer (founder of Little Pink Dog Books) and Anil Tortop (founder of Tadaa Book). Judges decisions are final and no further correspondence will be entered into.
Please contact us at jwfkcompetition (AT) gmail (DOT) com with any questions.
Winning entry will become the header artwork for Just Write For Kids and will be included in other promotional advertisement for the website. Winner retains copyright of the image but entitles the JWFK admin indefinite use of the image.
Romi Sharp is a freelance and childrens’ book writer and avid reader, especially in the picture book arena. Being qualified as an Early Childhood and Primary Teacher, and having additional roles in Reading Intervention, ESL, Art, and graphic design, means she is particularly fond of language, playing with words, artistic endeavours, and how all these marry together. Her articles have appeared in several literary publications, including Boomerang Books, Junior Books + Publishing, CBCA’s Reading Time, Creative Kids Tales and her own website My Little Story Corner. She is the founder and director of the Australian support group for authors and illustrators, Just Write For Kids and new initiative, Books On Tour. Romi lives in Melbourne with her husband and two (now both school-aged) daughters, who are definitely book lovers, and desperately dog lovers. Romi’s website: www.mylittlestorycorner.com.
Debra Tidball is a Social Worker who morphed into an author. Her first picture book, When I See Grandma was shortlisted for the Speech Pathology Book of the Year, and her second, The Scared Book is heaps of interactive fun with sneaky opportunities for kids to learn about conquering their fears. She also has flash fiction and short stories published in anthologies and The School Magazine. Debra is a regular blogger for Just Write For Kids. Visit Debra’s Website at: http://www.debratidball.com.
Renee Price is a children’s author, song-writer and performer from Newcastle, New South Wales. She has 15 years collective experience in early childhood education, writing and entertainment. In 2012, Renee held the role of Editorial Coordinator at Newcastle’s Child magazine, working within various aspects of the publishing industry, including reviews of children’s books and music, and composing articles for the publication. She is the author of Digby’s Moon Mission (2014) and Digby and the Yodelayhee Who? (2017) – illustrated by Anil Tortop, and published through Create It Kids. Digby and the Yodelayhee Who? is listed on the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge Booklist (K-2). Reviews of Renee’s books feature here – www.createitkids.com.au/reviews Renee performs dramatisations of her picture books to young audiences within early childhood services, primary schools, and at public events. Renee is a current member of Australian Society of Authors, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and Children’s Book Council of Australia (NSW). She is the Publicity and Events Officer for CBCA Newcastle Sub-branch. Renee’s website: www.reneeprice.com.au.
Kathy is a children’s illustrator and writer who has been published by Oxford University Press, Reed International, Christmas Press and Second Look. Kathy has been illustrating children’s books for a number of years. She has a Master of Arts degree in Children’s Book Illustration from the Cambridge School of Art at Anglia Ruskin University in England, where she attended lectures from many prominent illustrators such as Quentin Blake, James Mayhew, John Lawrence and Martin Salisbury. Kathy especially enjoys illustrating books aimed at the 4 to 10 year-old age group. She works in watercolour, colour pencil, ink and wash. She has a varied style, and enjoys creating humour and movement in her images. She has a list of favourite illustrators, but if asked to choose, then Shirley Hughes would be at the top, along with Graeme Base, Jackie Morris, Julie Vivas, Chris Riddell, Anne Spudvilas, Raymond Briggs, and Maurice Sendak. Please visit Kathy’s website at www.kathycreamer.com. Her work can also be seen at www.scbwi.org.

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