Australia Remembers Educational Activities: Customs and Traditions

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Australia Remembers series provides a plethora of opportunities for students to explore historical facts, traditions and personal meaning in relation to the studies of Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and the customs of the Australian Defence Force. Topics including the Anzac spirit, commemorative services, symbols and emblems, mottos, defence force practices and more can […]

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Educational Activities: Responsibility with The Mouse and the Egg

#thewindandthemouse #themousenandtheegg #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Willing Kids Program series provides myriad of opportunities for literacy and social-emotional growth in young children, and to a range of abilities. The first two books, The Wind and the Mouse and The Mouse and the Egg, focus on themes such as kindness, responsibility, adapting to change and courage, in fun, gentle and […]

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Ten Naughty Numbats Number Games

#onetotenandbackagain #tennaughtynumbats #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The One to Ten and Back Again series opens up so many possibilities for number activities in terms of counting by ones, adding on and counting back by ones. For children in the early years (preschool to Year 2), grasping the concept of counting sets up learning for all kinds of mathematical […]

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A Keepsake of Positivity: Educational Resources for We’re All in This Together

#wereallinthistogether #bookcampaign #booksontourpr We’re All in This Together is a book that will keep the discussion on the effects of the pandemic open to children for some time to come. As we begin to prepare for another school year, adapting to a new kind of normal, and possibly even adopting a forward-thinking approach to what the […]

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Educational Activity: Re-Creating Scenes from Carly Mills

#CarlyMillsANewWorld #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 With respect to the themes of women’s rights, adventure, immigration, social philanthropy, communities in the past and present, Australian history and people of influence in Jane Smith’s Carly Mills, Pioneer Girl series, we will be exploring scenes from the book, A New World and re-creating some of what it was like […]

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Max Booth Film Flip: Film Activity

#MaxBoothFutureSleuth #FilmFlip #BlogTour #BooksOnTourPR #Day5 Colour My World! It’s a Film Task! In this scene in Max Booth Future Sleuth Film Flip, we find Max and Oscar discovering the contents of the roll of film as they project light and the image onto a wall. Although the image of the building on the film is […]

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