Catherine Pelosi – The Perfect Formula Part 3

Congratulations to Catherine Pelosi who launched her new picture book, Something for Fleur in August! Judging by the social media pics, it looks like such fun, complete with with Fleur and Bo cupcakes! Yum! Wish I was there! This is part three of my interview with Catherine, and we look at the author’s role in promoting […]

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Listen to the Soothing Words of Wisdom by Sonia Bestulic

#ReeceGiveMeSomePeace #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day4 Hangin’ out for some ‘quiet’ time and a cuppa? We have the perfect solution!  Enjoy this soothing audio clip listening to the brilliant Sonia Bestulic whilst you put your feet up and relax. Learn about Sonia’s writing process, where the inspiration for Reece came from, what her own household is really […]

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Catherine Pelosi – The Perfect Formula Part 2

In part 1 of my interview with children’s mid-grade and picture book author, Catherine Pelosi, we heard about what got Catherine writing and how she developed her skills, so that her work was picked up for publication.  There was so much to learn from the steps she took to refine her work and get feedback. In part […]

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Catherine Pelosi – The Perfect Formula Part 1

Today I welcome Catherine Pelosi to the JWFK blog. Catherine’s mid-grade novel about science and inventions, Quark’s Academy, was released earlier this year and she was invited to speak about it recently at an international festival in the United Arab Emirates! Her picture book, Something For Fleur is released next month (check out the invitation […]

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Finding the Real Kate Simpson – Engineer to Author

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day4 Was she always a writer in disguise? Or did the creativity spill out of her at just the right moment? Read Kate’s intriguing article on how she found herself as a writer in the midst of microbiology. As a child, it never occurred to me to become an author. To start […]

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Perfectly Paired – In Conversation with Kate Simpson and Gwynneth Jones

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day3 What an absolute delight! Today we are in conversation with both Kate Simpson and illustrator Gwynneth Jones to learn more about their process and the making of the very special book, Finding Granny!  💐 💐 Hello ladies! Lovely to be able to speak with you both! Firstly, congratulations on the release […]

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Edwina Wyatt – The Path to Success Part 1

Edwina Wyatt has been down the path to success with three picture books under her belt, and already had TWO of these awarded Notable Books in the Children’s Book Council of Australia awards. But more on that later. Today we have the pleasure of getting to know more about how she took the road from […]

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On Cloud Nine with Kellie Byrnes

#cloudconductor #blogtour #booksontour #day3 Speaking with Kellie Byrnes is like being on cloud nine! But you don’t have to imagine what’s on her mind because she lays it all out here, sharing her inspirations, her personal understanding of the importance of mental health, and what it’s like to become an author. Thanks for being so […]

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Introducing Kellie Byrnes and Cloud Conductor

#cloudconductor #blogtour #booksontour #day1 We are super excited about this tour! Why? Because our very own Kellie Byrnes has just welcomed her debut picture book into the world, and we want to show it off! So please join us as we soar into the virtual skies and become absolutely mesmerised with the wonder and beauty […]

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Introducing Maura Pierlot and The Trouble in Tune Town

#thetroubleintunetown #blogblast #booksontour #day1 Introducing… Just Write For Kids and Books On Tour are super excited to introduce children’s author and playwright, Maura Pierlot, and her glorious picture book, The Trouble in Tune Town, for a wonderful, extended 14 days of blog tour bopping and boogieing! We can hardly contain ourselves! 🎶🎹😎 Maura is an […]

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