Sneak Peek: The Video That Gave us Goosebumps

#TheScaredBook #BooksOnTour #BlogBlitz #Day1 “Blotches or circles”… the making of goosebumps! Illustrated and animated by Kim Siew. Article by Debra Tidball. I love this little video that Kim made to coincide with the release of  The Scared Book. It’s of one of the goosebumps that appear in the book, and it demonstrates Kim’s trademark quirky […]

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Review – The Scared Book by Debra Tidball and Kim Siew

#TheScaredBook #BooksOnTour #BlogBlitz #Day1 The Scared Book, Debra Tidball (author), Kim Siew (illus.), Lothian Children’s Books, August 2017. Synopsis: This book is too scared to tell you its story because there are MONSTERS! Can you help? It needs you to RUB away its goosebumps. FLICK away the monsters and FAN away the yucky smell they […]

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New Book Chores

With a new book coming out at the end of August, there’s a tsunami of chores to get ready for the launch.  I feel a bit like Mickey Mouse in Fantasia: I bail out a bucket-load of chores, and as soon as I turn my back, more have swept in from nowhere! Not that I’m complaining […]

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Penny Morrison – Riding the Wave Part 3

This is the third and final part of my interview with Penny Morrison, author of Captain Sneer the Buccaneer, the Hey! series and The Mighty Mighty King Christmas Book. In this installment Penny reveals the patience needed to be an author as she discusses the circuitous path to publication of Captain Sneer the Buccaneer. See part […]

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Reflecting on 2016 with the JWFK Team

2016 has been a tremendously eventful year on the blog, with establishing the Directory, a cascade of amazing interviewees and guest posters, and invaluable tips and news updates made available. And I couldn’t have done it all without the support and dedication of my wonderful team of bloggers and the Australian kidlit community. So, thank […]

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Lessons from a punnet of tomatoes.

One thing I love about the creative industries is that several people can have a similar idea yet express it in totally different ways. This was brought home to me the other evening when attending a talk by CBCA judge, Cathie Tasker. Cathie pointed out that two of the books shortlisted for awards this year […]

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Conference Camaraderie

One of the elements in my Writer’s Action Matrix earlier in the year was to attend a conference or festival. Well, it seems like festival season at the moment for Kid’s Lit. There’s heaps to choose from – check out the events section of this website! I was fortunate enough to secure tickets to the […]

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Picture Books in the Eye of the Beholder

To begin my journey towards becoming a published picture book author, I became an avid (perhaps compulsive) reader of the genre. Yes, it has definitely helped having two young daughters around as an excuse for my weekly loitering in the kids’ section of the library. Anyway, I also began writing formal reviews around 18 months […]

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