Finding the Real Kate Simpson – Engineer to Author

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day4 Was she always a writer in disguise? Or did the creativity spill out of her at just the right moment? Read Kate’s intriguing article on how she found herself as a writer in the midst of microbiology. As a child, it never occurred to me to become an author. To start […]

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Perfectly Paired – In Conversation with Kate Simpson and Gwynneth Jones

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day3 What an absolute delight! Today we are in conversation with both Kate Simpson and illustrator Gwynneth Jones to learn more about their process and the making of the very special book, Finding Granny!  💐 💐 Hello ladies! Lovely to be able to speak with you both! Firstly, congratulations on the release […]

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Review: Finding Granny by Kate Simpson and Gwynneth Jones

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day2 Welcome back to the blog tour for the heartwarming book, Finding Granny! Grab a cuppa and a warm blanket, and find out why this story is so special. 💐 🌸 🍦 🎨 Finding Granny, Kate Simpson (author), Gwynneth Jones (illus.), EK Books, July 2018 Blurb: Edie’s Granny is a perfect Granny […]

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Introducing Kate Simpson and Finding Granny

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day1 Every once in a while you come across an author and their book that resonates with you so deeply. Their story so passionate and honest that you need to find out more. Well, we are absolutely delighted to introduce to you the wonderful Kate Simpson and her brand new, heartwarming picture […]

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Find Your Granny to WIN!

#FindingGranny #blogtour #BooksOnTour #Day1 Tell us about your ideal Granny! Maybe you have one, or maybe you are one, but we want to know, what is your ideal Granny?! Here’s how to share something special and have a chance to WIN a hardback copy of this heartwarming picture book by Kate Simpson and Gwynneth Jones! […]

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Katrina McKelvey – Going Places Part 2

This is the second instalment of my interview with go-getter Katrina McKelvey about the path to publication of her picture book, Dandelions, and the three more picture books on the way. To review how Katrina started pursuing her interest in writing for kids, developing networks  and honing her skills, read part one here – it […]

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Picture Book Review: The Art Garden

The Art Garden: Sowing the Seeds of Creativity, Penny Harrison (author), Penelope Pratley (illus.), EK Books, 2018 Synopsis: Sadie wants to be a painter, just like her best friend, Tom. She loves playing with colour and finding shapes in unlikely places. But whenever Sadie picks up a paintbrush she makes a big mess. So instead, […]

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Top 17 of ’17

It’s time for the annual book selections that topped our ‘favourites list’. The ones that had us rip roaring with giggles, the ones that made our hearts stop beating, and the ones that simply took our breath away. It’s always tough to choose, especially since we literally turn over hundreds of books in a year. […]

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Doing The Right Thing: An Article by Robert Vescio

Thanks once again to the awesome Robert Vescio for returning to the blog to discuss the importance of ‘doing the right thing’, which explains the moral intentions behind his newest book, Finn and Puss (see review). Robert writes with a thoughtfulness and tenderness that are always welcomed with a genuine affection by his readers. Thanks […]

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Review: Finn and Puss by Robert Vescio

Finn and Puss, Robert Vescio (author), Melissa Mackie (illus.), EK Books, 2017. I’m sure I’m not the only one who, as a child, wished to find a homeless puppy or a wandering kitten just outside their doorstep. But for those children like me, this book is a sound reminder of moral practice in a similar […]

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