The Quick Six Interview with Maggie Hutchings on Be True to You!

What a bright, colourful, affirming book full of loving life, and loving yourself! The rhyme written by Maggie Hutchings sings the perfect note for addressing acceptance of differences and being proud of your identity. Voicing it loud, ‘This is really ME!‘, whether you’re a butterfly or a bee, a princess or a king, readers will […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Adele Jones on Immortal Mistake

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Adele Jones! We’re thrilled (in more ways than one!) to invite our next guest to the blog! Young adult writer, Adele Jones, shares her latest enthralling science-fiction thriller, Immortal Mistake; a gripping, confronting and high impact novel set to ignite a visceral intensity that readers can’t bear to ignore. Hold on […]

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#BookReview: Neil, the (Boring) Amazing Sea Cucumber by Amelia McInerney and Lucinda Gifford

#BookReview: Neil, the Boring Amazing Sea Cucumber, Amelia McInerney (author), Lucinda Gifford (illus.), Affirm Press, April 2023. Look! I’ve found Neil! Oh wait, it might be Sandra. The identity of this little cucumber may be unknown, but we’re here to explore the identity of the real Neil – the star of the bottom of the […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Amelia McInerney

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Amelia McInerney! Oh my gosh! Internationally published author (and one of our fabulous Pitch It! judges), Amelia McInerney is such a mega star! And you know who else is? Her newest book character – Neil. Neil’s a sea cucumber, and he is totally AMAZING! If you thought you’d never fall in […]

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Character Chat with Dan from Solo Dan

#solodan #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 What a delight to witness this in-depth conversation between author and character; delving deep into the thoughts and feelings of a boy once on the outer, and what that was like to never really be a part of the fun. Thanks, Teena and Dan for sharing the development of your story. […]

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Book Review: Wrestle! By Maya Newell, Charlotte Mars, and Gus Skattebol-James, illustrated by Tom Jellett

  Wrestle! By Maya Newell, Charlotte Mars, and Gus Skattebol-James, illustrated by Tom Jellett, Allen and Unwin, 2019. From the publisher: I love wrestling. When I grow up, I want to be just like my wrestling heroes: big and tough, with really huge muscles. The only problem is, my mums don’t like fighting… A funny […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Carolyn Martinez on Pelican’t Do It

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Carolyn Martinez! It’s a pleasure to welcome back to the blog, author and editor, Carolyn Martinez to discuss her new picture book, Pelican’t Do It; a heart-warming tale of self-identity and family dynamics. Nice to learn more about your new book, Carolyn! 🙂 About the Author Cate Sawyer (aka Carolyn Martinez) […]

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Picture Books Promoting Harmony

Just Write For Kids is all about community and inclusivity. It’s about sharing inspiration, achieving goals and reflecting what’s needed in the world. As we grapple with some conflicting issues in today’s world, we also infuse ourselves with love and hope, and a fighting spirit for peace. March 21st marks the celebration of Harmony Day; […]

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Review: Not So Scary Bear by Ruth Waters

Review: Not So Scary Bear, Ruth Waters (author, illus.), Windy Hollow Books, May 2018. Imagine trying to be something, or someone, you’re not. Imagine trying to live to a stereotype rather than just being yourself. Clearly, this is the case for Not So Scary Bear – the bear who can’t fool anyone, not even himself. […]

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