The Quick Six Interview with Maggie Hutchings on Be True to You!

What a bright, colourful, affirming book full of loving life, and loving yourself! The rhyme written by Maggie Hutchings sings the perfect note for addressing acceptance of differences and being proud of your identity. Voicing it loud, ‘This is really ME!‘, whether you’re a butterfly or a bee, a princess or a king, readers will […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Deborah Frenkel on The Truck Cat

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Deborah Frenkel! Deborah Frenkel‘s latest picture book ‘The Truck Cat‘ has been receiving rave reviews and was voted Kids Book of the Month by one Melbourne bookshop. Not only does it feature an adorable cat Tinka who was inspired by Deborah’s rescue cat (read more below), but it also touches on […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Karen Tyrrell

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Karen Tyrrell! It is always a pleasure to follow the success journey of award-winning author, Karen Tyrrell, ready to celebrate the release of yet another wonderfully empowering children’s book! Multi-competition shortlister, Andy & Ghost Boy is a funny and powerful middle grade novel full of twists, turns and energy that also […]

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Here’s to Resilience – Article by Maura Pierlot

It is an honour to welcome back talented author and playwright, Maura Pierlot (The Trouble in Tune Town); introducing her incredibly notable and prevalent script for teens, Fragments: Journeys from Isolation to Connection. Her just-released novel is adapted from her sold-out stage play, Fragments, which, during October 2019, was programmed for Mental Health Month. Through […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Larissa Collins and Be Brave Beatrice

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Larissa Collins! It’s a pleasure to welcome debut picture book author, Larissa Collins, to the blog, here to discuss her story on children’s health, the important role of families, and the promotion of resilience; Be Brave Beatrice! This is a light-hearted and funny tale about coping with the unpleasantness of being […]

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Share Your Story for a Chance to WIN the Mouse Books!

#thewindandthemouse #themousenandtheegg #bookcampaign #booksontourpr Share your story for your CHANCE to WIN!  The Wind and the Mouse and The Mouse and the Egg are sweet, fun and gentle sensory friendly stories of Mouse and her growth in independence and resilience, shared in both picture book and animated video formats. For your CHANCE to WIN a copy of BOTH of these adorable picture […]

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#BookReview: We’re All in This Together by Skye Hughes and Alice Coates

#wereallinthistogether #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #BookReview: We’re All in This Together, Skye Hughes (author), Alice Coates (illus.), Dean Publishing, November 2020. Blurb: School friends – Kiana, Amin, Roshan, Casey, Ming and Tyler all have one thing in common – they can’t go to school. The world changed very quickly and now they have to stay home to […]

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Helpful Points to Raising a Sensitive Child by Tania Louise Smith

#nottoofarfrommybackdoor #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day4 You may have a sensitive child, or perhaps you are a sensitive adult. Handling challenging and overwhelming emotions can be tricky. Social worker and author of Not Too Far From My Back Door, Tania Louise Smith is here to offer all of us – parents, educators, and sensitive people – some […]

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#BookReview: Not Too Far From My Back Door by Tania Louise Smith

#nottoofarfrommybackdoor #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day2 #BookReview Not Too Far From My Back Door, Tania Louise Smith (author), Archv Art (illus.), Tania Louise Smith Publishing, November 2019. Blurb: An empowering self discovery book for big and little feelings experienced by little and big people, heard through the voices of mother nature. Review: Melodic and expressive illustrations pair […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Penny Tangey

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Penny Tangey! Introducing the talented, and funny, author, Penny Tangey to the blog, to discuss her new middle-grade novel, As Fast As I Can; an amusing tale of resilience, acceptance and dreaming big. Welcome, Penny! 🙂 About the Author PENNY TANGEY writes humorous books for young people. Her most recent book, […]

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