Australia Remembers Educational Activities: Customs and Traditions

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Australia Remembers series provides a plethora of opportunities for students to explore historical facts, traditions and personal meaning in relation to the studies of Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and the customs of the Australian Defence Force. Topics including the Anzac spirit, commemorative services, symbols and emblems, mottos, defence force practices and more can […]

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Fun Fast Facts: What Do You Know About Allison Paterson?

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr  Just like her book, Australia Remembers: Customs and Traditions of the Australian Defence Force, Allison Paterson is full of interesting facts and insights that bring us joy in knowing more about her. Here, just like the book, we uncover some fascinating ‘fast facts’ that Allison has shared in a fun way! Enjoy! 🙂 […]

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Answering the Questions! Article by Allison Paterson

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr Why? A simple question with some thought-provoking, in-depth answers. Curiosity settled (or sparked!) with the help of knowledgeable expert on the subject of Australian war history – Allison Paterson! Thanks! 🙂 Why?  How often do we hear that simple word? This one-word question is a sign of an inquiring mind, a thirst for […]

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