Imagine WINNING Special Books by Kelly Louise Jarris!

#imagineourspecialplace #bookcampaign #booksontour ***UPDATE: COMPETITION NOW CLOSED*** Where is your most wonderful, special place? Both Imagine Our Special Place and Wonderful Wishes take readers to imaginative places and on special adventures where dreams can be made. Author Kelly Louise Jarris uplifts and empowers her audience with the power and hope to overcome challenges and adversity, […]

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A Special Introduction: Kelly Louise Jarris

#imagineourspecialplace #bookcampaign #booksontourpr Imagine your happiest place, anywhere in or around the world. Imagine spending all your precious moments there with your nearest and dearest. Author Kelly Louise Jarris touches her readers with this notion of peace, of treasuring conversations and of utilising the imagination to empower hope and comfort to those in need. Both […]

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