Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Kelly Louise Jarris!

We’re delighted to welcome back Kelly Louise Jarris, to share her latest gorgeous story; Seasons Of You. This sweet and gentle picture book is an ode to our precious bubs – on behalf of mums all over the world. It is a celebration of the journey of pregnancy as they grow inside and as their hearts beat in sync with ours. All through the changing seasons, this mum tells her little one the story of its miracle of life until the day she can finally hold and kiss her newborn baby. Written from a place of both sadness and joy, Kelly, together with the tender illustrations by Sandunika Dissanayake, pay tribute to all mums, whatever their emotional journey with motherhood may be. Some of the sale proceeds will be donated to the Miracle Babies Foundation in support of premature and sick newborns and their families doing it tough. Thanks so much, Kelly. 🙂

About the Author

As a mother of four boys, Kelly Jarris has been lucky enough to see the diversity in each child, which is how the characters came about for her first book, Wonderful Wishes. Kelly also writes and appreciates stories from life experiences, with her second picture book, Imagine Our Special Place. Her sister’s journey with terminal cancer inspired Kelly to write a book that touches on sibling bonds, imagination and feelings of the unknown.

Her third, fun picture book is Cheese On Toast, and her latest, an emotional journey of becoming a mother; Seasons Of You.

Kelly has a background in veterinary nursing and was once an Australian wildlife rescuer.

Visit Kelly Louise Jarris at her websitehttps://kljbooks.com/

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Seasons Of You can be purchased via KLJBooks, online and in all good bookstores.

WHO wrote, illustrated, and published this book?

“Seasons Of You” is written by Kelly Louise Jarris and illustrated by Sandunika Dissanayake. Published by KLJ Books.

WHAT is it about?

“Seasons Of You” is all about the special bond between a baby and a mother. As mum’s pregnancy evolves and changes, so do the seasons.

WHEN did you begin writing this book?

This manuscript has been in production for over a year, starting in 2022. I ran the idea past a few people as it’s such a deep, meaningful topic to me.

During the period of September 1st to September 30th, 2023, $2.00 from every sale will be donated to the Miracle Babies Foundation.

WHERE did the inspiration for this book come from?

The inspiration for this book came from my own personal journey. After my miscarriage, I wrote a diary documenting my emotions, thoughts, and experiences leading up to my subsequent pregnancy that resulted in a very sick premature baby boy. It was an extremely hard time.  He is now eighteen, and all grown up. It was because of the amazing care from the SCNU we were lucky. This book is a result of savouring every moment of that journey.

WHY is this book meaningful to you?

This book holds deep meaning for me because it reflects the emotions and experiences I went through during my pregnancies, especially considering the high-risk nature of them all. The book is also dedicated to all mothers who have faced grief, loss, and miracles in their journey.

Why would its message resonate with readers?

The book’s message of love and hope, celebrating each milestone and moment in pregnancy, resonates with all parents. It can be read aloud to growing tummies, shared with older children awaiting siblings, and enjoyed by kids as they learn about patience, seasons, and growth through the beautiful illustrations.

HOW do you feel about the illustrations/cover design?

I am absolutely amazed by the illustrations and cover design. The cover showcases the various seasons using leaves and vibrant colours, creating an eye-catching display in bookstores.

How have you promoted this book and how can we find it?

The book has been promoted through readings and author visits to hospitals, baby shops, and centres. As a part of giving back, $2.00 from every sale of the book through September 2023 will be donated to the Miracle Babies Foundation.

OTHER information you’d like to share? Where can we find you and your book?

You can find me on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/authorkellylouise and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/authorkellylouisejarris/.

“Seasons Of You” can be purchased from Booktopia, Dymocks, Collins Booksellers, Amazon, and other good bookstores.

What a beautiful, heartfelt story, Kelly! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. 🙂

#thequicksixinterview #seasonsofyou #motherchild #pregnancy #miraclebabies #picturebooks

3 thoughts to “The Quick Six Interview with Kelly Louise Jarris on Seasons Of You

  • Norah

    What a heartwarming, tender story.

    • Just Write For Kids

      It’s really beautiful and very touching. Thanks for your lovely comment, Norah! x


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