Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Kritika Singh!

It’s a pleasure to welcome debut children’s author, Kritika Singh to the blog to share her story and her goals behind her new picture book, Billabong Bus. This sweet tale brings about a harmonious blend of kindness and friendship with the added appreciation of Australia’s unique animals and floral treasures. With the friendly and colourful illustrations by young illustrator, Meriette Medina, Billabong Bus is bound to drive a feeling of warmth into your heart.

Thanks so much, Kritika! 🙂

About the Author

Kritika Singh lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband, two children and fur-baby Fonzie. Early in 2024, her goal of publishing a children’s book was finally realised with the release of Billabong Bus. 

Undoubtedly, the driving force and source of inspiration came from her children, who are already teenagers. In her book, she wanted to express their childhood memories, innocence, humour, and silliness, all mixed together. 

Kritika Singh and Billabong Bus can be found at the website: Billabong Bus and on Instagram and Facebook.

WHO wrote, illustrated and published this book?
My name is Kritika Singh, I live in Sydney and I am a self-publisher who has written this book – ‘Billabong Bus’.
The illustrator is Meriette Medina – a young aspiring illustrator who was an absolute delight to work with.

WHAT is it about?
Billabong Bus is a heartwarming tale filled with friendship, imagination, and a dash of Aussie charm. It is a simple, relatable story of Aussie children catching the bus to school. It showcases how friendships blossom through trust and kindness. Plus, it’s a reminder of how the little stuff, like forgetting your hat or your shin pads for soccer, can totally mess with your day.

What is your favourite part of this book?
I have two actually:

  • When Ella, one of the Emus gives up her seat for Kev!
  • When Walter the Wombat enters the bus

WHEN did you begin writing this book?
During the holiday break in December 2023, and I finished it on my birthday in Jan 2024.

When is its release / launch date?
1 June 2024.

WHERE did the inspiration for this book come from?
My children and their primary school days. I loved their innocence, their friendships, their appreciation of the Australian animals, plants and culture.

WHY is this book meaningful to you?

In this simple story, what stands out to me is the essence of virtues such as kindness and unity. We as a society need to nourish and nurture these traits in children to make the world a better and kinder place.

Why would its message resonate with readers?
The children of today are the future of tomorrow. Through this story of Billabong Bus, I aim to showcase the beauty of Australian flora and fauna, share how kindness and unity builds a stronger community and if we stopped looking at our devices and look outside, we will be able to admire the beauty of nature.

HOW do you feel about the illustrations / cover design? How do they convey the feeling or mood you envisioned?
The cover page and illustration are crucial elements of Billabong Bus. It showcases Aussie animals and plants. The teal colour was inspired by our Matildas soccer team.

How have you promoted this book and how can we find it?
At billabongbus.com. It is available on Amazon and coming soon to Ingram Spark.

OTHER information or experiences you’d like to share?
I lost a brother when I was 4 years and he was 2.5 years old. He had a heart defect and died in a Sydney hospital. My family had temporarily relocated here from Fiji for his surgery. Sadly, he died after this operation. Once I have the printed books, I am going to take my mum to the same Children’s hospital to share with the children at the hospital.

I am also looking at doing virtual book readings to the school children at the primary schools I attended in Fiji.
If anyone would like me to host a booking launch or reading session then please feel free to email billabongbusteam@gmail.com.

    Thanks so much, Kritika, for sharing your story and the heartwarming messages behind it! 🙂

    #thequicksixinterview #billabongbus #friendship #kindness #australiananimals #picturebooks #justkidslit

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