#feathers #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day1

How wonderful to welcome back the talented Karen Hendriks for another book campaign, this time celebrating the long-awaited release of her absolutely touching and uplifting picture book, Feathers! This is both a gentle and powerful story of love, life, loss and the power of memory. Come fly away with us on this heart-warming journey. x

A little bit about Karen Hendriks

Karen Hendriks is a free spirit with a love for stories and words. Karen’s story imagination glimmers and shines like an opal, waiting to be polished into words!  She is a children’s author based on the NSW South Coast, living in a seaside village where she often swims in an ocean pool and writes at one of the local cafes. Her repertoire of writing spans from picture books to junior fiction and middle grade, as well as teaching writing to children. Her stories are full of heart, and are also quirky, warm, funny and tender. Her secret story partner is Elmo, a little Moodle who is always by her side.

​Karen is a proud ambassador for Books in Homes; an organisation that helps give books to students in disadvantaged schools. Karen visits schools and believes stories help children create their own kind of wonderful for themselves.

​Go Away, Foxy Foxy was recently released with Daisy Lane Publishing  – visit the book campaign here. Home will be published with Daisy Lane Publishing in 2022.

Her picture book, Feathers, has just been released with Empowering Resources, and we are honoured to share in the launch celebrations of this stunning title!

Follow Karen at these links:

Website: www.karenhendriks.com

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


A little bit about Kim Fleming

Kim can vividly remember being amazed at the age of 4 when she mixed red and white together and got pink. It was magic!

Her mastery of pink led Kim to many other colours, and a love of art began.

A move to Melbourne, led Kim to discover the glorious world of children’s book illustration… and she often declares that she has ‘the best job in the world’.

She loves using layers of collage and watercolour washes, and creating sweet, heartwarming characters. She also sometimes uses ink, acrylics and hand-carved stamps.


Follow Kim at her website: www.kimflemingillustration.com


Learn more about Feathers by Karen Hendriks and Kim Fleming in this book profile video… 

In case you missed it… The advert trailer of the beautiful, empowering picture book, Feathers

Feathers is available to purchase at Empowering Resources | Booktopia.

Float away with us; Karen Hendriks and her stunning picture book, Feathers, will be appearing at the following media sources…

Organised by Books On Tour PR & Marketing. Email: info.booksontour@gmail.com

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