Katrina Roe – author and presenter extraordinaire Part 2

In Part 1 of my interview with Katrina Roe, we looked at her inspiration for writing and the things that encourage and help her hone her craft. In this installment, we continue that and look at ‘what next?’ once the book is published. Katrina, I’ve often bumped into you at festivals and conferences. The CBCA […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Jen Storer

We are more than delighted to have the vivacious Jen Storer here today tickling our funny bones with her cracking ‘Comedy’ themed answers! Thanks, Jen! 😜 🎭 What is the funniest book you’ve ever read? Unreliable Memoirs, by Clive James. Side splitting! What is it about writing for children that makes you happy? The freedom to […]

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Karen Tyrrell’s Top Teaching Tips for Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra

Meet Karen Tyrrell Just Write For Kids is thrilled to have award-winning children’s resilience author, Karen Tyrrell, joining us once again (see our previous meeting here) to delve further into the benefits and learning possibilities of her second illustrated novel in the Super Space Kids series. Fantastically illustrated by Trevor Salter, Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra is an […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Megan Higginson

We are exploding with excitement to welcome Megan Higginson to our ‘Sci Fi and Fantasy’ themed interview today! You’re a gem! 🔮 🎇 What are the most imaginative books you’ve ever read? So many books. So little time. Hmmm. Unless I had a time machine. Ok. I’m breaking the rules. I love Sci-Fi and fantasy. Anne […]

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Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

Continuing on from my previous tributes to amazing Literary Foundations and inspiring Educational Initiatives, today I am dedicating this post to the wonderful advocates, supporters and suppliers of our fantastic Australian books, their creators and publishers; our booksellers! Below is a small list of both physical and online stores with immeasurable passion and commitment to […]

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Conference Camaraderie

One of the elements in my Writer’s Action Matrix earlier in the year was to attend a conference or festival. Well, it seems like festival season at the moment for Kid’s Lit. There’s heaps to choose from – check out the events section of this website! I was fortunate enough to secure tickets to the […]

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Katrina Roe – author and presenter extraordinaire

Katrina Roe is a radio presenter and author of picture books Marty’s nut Free Party, Emily Eases her Wheezes and Same, with Wombat Books. I am fortunate to share a book-bond with Katrina, as the illustrator of her first two books is Leigh Hedstrom, who also illustrated my When I See Grandma. Katrina is a […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Kris Sheather

We are ecstatic to have Kris Sheather here to bring a smile to our day with her ‘Comedy’ themed answers! 😄 🙊 What is the funniest book you’ve ever read? Oh there’s more than one and they are Terry Pratchett books. ‘In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.’ What is it about writing for children […]

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#InterviewByTheme with Deborah Kelly

Deborah Kelly is so divine to share a bit about her writing life in this feel-good ‘Romance’ themed interview. Thanks, Deborah! 🌸🍭 If you could receive any gift from any children’s author or illustrator, what would it be and who would it be from? My kids are huge ‘Weir-Do’ fans and recently met the illustrator […]

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Read, read, write.

I’ve just added this accumulated pile of books on my desk to my Goodreads profile. It got me thinking about the importance of reading for writers. One of the things I put on my Writers’ Action Matrix at the beginning of the year was “Read books in your genre – study their elements.” It’s something […]

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