#theapostropheposse #blogtour #booksontourpr #day2

The Apostrophe Posse, Teena Raffa-Mulligan (text), Veronica Rooke (cover design), Sea Song Publications, April 2019.


Trouble comes to Tea Tree Bend…

In cowboy movies the sheriff forms a posse to round up all the bad guys. Cam and Ellie from Daisy Cottage and their friends Billy and Louisa have formed a different posse. Their mission is to find and fix all the signs in Tea Tree Bend with missing apostrophes. The summer holidays are almost over so they have just nine days to complete their task.

How can doing the right thing go so wrong?


 Junior to middle grade readers are about to get tested with typos and tangled in trouble as they step into the mayhem of punctuation blunders and night time escapades gone wrong! Whether you’re a pedantic editing prowess or simply up for a bit of an adventure, The Apostrophe Posse most certainly crosses all the t’s and dots all the i’s when it comes to an engaging read.

Teena Raffa-Mulligan’s main intention is for her audience to find joy in reading her book, and there is definitely a lot to giggle about with this gang of error-busters! Cam, Ellie, Billy and Louisa (and tag-along Lindy) set themselves up on an important mission upon discovering all of Jimmy Leeds’ signage mistakes in Tea Tree Bend. Their aim is to fix the missing apostrophes from shop-front signs, starting with ‘Mrs Browns Bakehouse Bin’. It’s always more fun pursuing inconspicuous operations in secret, so that’s exactly what they do – the posse of kids gather up their supplies and take off in the still of night to complete their stringent task. But as you can imagine, not everything goes exactly to plan, and they find themselves with the challenge of facing the law and a moral decision.

The Apostrophe Posse rounds out with a satisfying conclusion and sparks discussion amongst readers with the themes of community involvement, teamwork and social responsibility. The story interweaves plenty of humorous linguistic conventions both in speech and the written word, without resonating a didactic tone. Here is an entertaining read for kids from age seven; a book that will put smiles on faces and punctuation marks in all the right places.

Review by Romi Sharp


Teena Raffa-Mulligan: website | blog | facebook | Instagram

The Apostrophe Posse: shop


For more thoughts on The Apostrophe Posse please visit the marvellous Anna Byrd at her Instagram account, @thebyrdandthebookworms! 

The Apostrophe Posse will feature at the following media channels from April 1st to April 5th…

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