The Quick Six Interview with Margaret Wild and Hannah Sommerville on Reading to Baby

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Margaret Wild and Hannah Sommerville! When you come across a storybook that is bound to become a classic, you treasure it. A storybook that radiates with imagination, inspiration, sibling love and a pure goodness of heart. Reading to Baby is a book that glows with joy and shines with the beauty […]

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Picture It! Anthology Competition Winners 2023

Just Write For Kids Australia’s first Picture It! Anthology Competition for local artists and illustrators of children’s books was held throughout June and July (and some of August!) as an initiative to raise the profiles of our wonderful illustrators and creatives, to raise donations for The Indigenous Literacy Foundation, and to produce a stunning anthology […]

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You Can Be A Writer: Educational Activities

#youcanbeawriter #bookcampaign #booksontourpr A writing session unto itself, to teach budding writers how to structure stories, incorporate all the necessary elements, and inject sparks of imagination, You Can Be A Writer opens up a plethora of literacy and language opportunities for primary school-aged children. From setting up for writing, to planting and sowing the idea seeds, […]

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How to Utilise Go Away Foxy Foxy for Language and Comprehension Development by Karen Hendriks
Karen Hendriks

#goawayfoxyfoxy #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day4 Karen Hendriks, author of Go Away, Foxy Foxy; a fun and empowering story on working together to solve a problem, shares her teaching expertise on how to develop effective language and comprehension skills when utilising her book. We have a handy guide with tips and examples for adults wanting to teach […]

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Focus on Language Development: Tips for Caregivers by Marg Gibbs
Focus on Language Marg Gibbs

#jaspersjumbledupwords #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day4 We thank Marg Gibbs for providing some solid tips and background information for caregivers on the development of language and speech in young children. Her picture book, Jasper’s Jumbled up Words, is a wonderful sounding board for understanding the emotions associated with learning this new skill, and is also a beautiful […]

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In Conversation with Marg Gibbs on Jasper’s Jumbled up Words

#jaspersjumbledupwords #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day3 It’s a pleasure to speak with Marg Gibbs, about a topic that stemmed from experiences close to her heart – her grand children and their journey with language and speech, and how this led to the publication of her endearing and uplifting picture book, Jasper’s Jumbled up Words. Lovely to talk […]

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Kisses in Your Heart Educational Activities

#kissesinyourheart #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 “Hand on my heart, a sparkle smile warms my lips for a little while.” Discussion Do you have a family member (or more than one) that makes you feel safe, secure and loved? What does it mean to be loved? What does it feel like? Have there been times when you […]

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Featured Author: Sonia Bestulic

#kissesinyourheart #blogtour #booksontourpr #day1 We’re delighted to be back with another blog tour as sweet at royal icing, with talented author, Sonia Bestulic; queen of speech, language, and music. So, welcome, one and all, to the #KissesinYourHeart #blogtour! Sydney born, Sonia Bestulic, grew up surrounded with the joy of wonderful books, a passion for writing […]

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Book Review: Colouroos by Anna McGregor

#colouroos #blogtour #booksontourpr #day3 Colouroos, Anna McGregor (author, illus.), Hachette Australia, Lothian Children’s Books, March 2019. Blurb: Deep in the heart of the Red Centre lived a mob of red kangaroos. During a long, hot drought, the thirsty roos went searching for water. When three different mobs of kangaroos come to the same waterhole, they […]

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The Story of Evolution – Interview with Teena Raffa-Mulligan

#theapostropheposse #blogtour #booksontourpr #day4 It’s no secret that we adore Teena Raffa-Mulligan here at Just Write For Kids! You’ll never be short of enlightened when learning about her writing life and the ‘evolution’ of her work. Let’s look at the fascinating formation of the indelible The Apostrophe Posse! Congratulations on the release of your latest […]

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