Square Me, Round World is an affirming collection of stories especially for neurodiverse children in the primary years (although many adults are finding themselves in these stories, too!). Written from a personal place, Autistic/ADHDer Psychologist and mum Chelsea Luker, together with the reflective/introspective illustrations by Eliza Fricker, gifts readers with the knowledge, understanding, acceptance and embrace of sensory and neurological differences that enable the celebration and pride in being one’s authentic self. This book would be a valuable benefit to any parent, teacher, or neurodiversity specialist.

Square Me, Round World: Stories of growing up in a world not built for you, Chelsea Luker (author), Eliza Fricker (illus.), Connect Us Psychology, 2024.


Ever felt like a square peg in a round hole? Like you just didn’t fit in, no matter what you tried? Dive into tales of growing up in a world not built for you. From the challenges of making friends and masking your authentic self to the overwhelm of sensory overload, burnout and restless nights, these stories will resonate with those who know what it’s like to feel different.


With a trusted partner, discuss your likes, dislikes, biggest achievements and personal challenges.

What do you like/dislike about school? Friends? Noises? Foods? Bedtime? etc.

What kinds of things frustrate you? What kinds of things calm you down?

Look at the cover of Square Me, Round World. What do you think is meant by the title? What do you notice? How do you think the characters are feeling? Why do you think this might be happening? Can you relate? What do you think might happen in these stories?

Read the blurb. Discuss. How does it make you feel?


For ages 8 to 12.


Literary device: Idiom / Metaphor

Years 3 & 4 English: AC9E3LE03 AC9E3LE04 AC9E4LE03 AC9E4LE04

Years 5 & 6 English: AC9E6LA08 AC9E5LE02 AC9E5LE03 AC9E5LE04 AC9E6LE04 AC9E5LE05 AC9E6LE05

“Square me, round world” (Title)

What is an idiom?

An idiom is a phrase or expression that usually presents a figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase. 

The title phrase comes from the common idiom or metaphor, ‘square peg in a round hole’. Ask students what they think this means. (“An idiomatic expression which describes the unusual individualist who could not fit into a niche of their society.”)

Ask students to represent this phrase with a drawing. It could look like a literal drawing or something more metaphorical or meaningful to them.

Brainstorm and discuss the meanings of related idioms or similes for someone who feels like they don’t fit in. For example, ‘Out of place’, or ‘Like a fish out of water’.

Health and wellbeing

Personal, social and community health: Relationship Building and Interpersonal Skills

Years 3 & 4 Health and Physical Education: AC9HP4P01 AC9HP4P03 AC9HP4P04 AC9HP4P05 AC9HP4P06 AC9HP4P10

Years 5 & 6 Health and Physical Education: AC9HP6P01 AC9HP6P04 AC9HP6P05 AC9HP6P06 AC9HP6P07 AC9HP6P10

On the template provided, students can write a title in the centre square, and in the circle quarters they can write four different ways to either:

  • Help someone feel included.
  • Be their authentic selves.
  • Calming strategies or helpful ways to avoid sensory overload.
  • Ways to make a friend.
  • Helpful tips for resting your brain.
  • Other.

STEM Challenge

Newspaper Forts: A World Built for You!

Years 3 & 4 Physical Sciences: AC9S4U03 AC9S3H02 AC9S4I01 AC9S3I02 AC9S4I03 AC9S3I04 AC9S4I05 AC9S4I06

Years 5 & 6 Physical Sciences: AC9S5H02 AC9S5I01 AC9S6I02 AC9S5I03 AC9S5I04 AC9S6I05 AC9S5I06

Years 3 & 4 Design and Technologies: AC9TDE4K02 AC9TDE4P01 AC9TDE4P02 AC9TDE4P03 AC9TDE4P04 AC9TDE4P05

Years 5 & 6 Design and Technologies: AC9TDE6K05 AC9TDE6P01 AC9TDE6P02 AC9TDE6P03 AC9TDE6P04 AC9TDE6P05

Can you build a fort out of newspaper that you and your friends can ‘fit in’ to?

In this STEM challenge, students will use newspaper, tape and a stapler to build a large fort, and then test how many people can fit inside without damaging it.

Students will need to draw a design of their fort, including the shapes, structure and dimensions of their design.

How will they ensure that the fort is stable (it doesn’t topple), joints are secured, and there is enough space for the group? Will they add an aesthetic appeal to their finished product?

Instructions can be found at: Modern Parents Messy Kids.

Image: Modern Parents Messy Kids


FREE Educator’s Resource – What’s Your Different? can be sourced through Connect Us Psychology!

Square Me, Round World is written by Chelsea Luker, illustrated by Eliza Fricker, and published by Connect Us Psychology. Notes prepared by Romi Sharp.

Find Chelsea Luker at her website: connectuspsychology.com | Facebook | Instagram

Join in this multi-dimensional adventure with Chelsea Luker and Eliza Fricker and their valuable resource with Square Me, Round World, embracing all shapes of readers across the blogosphere!

#squaremeroundworld #autismadhd #inclusion #acceptance #selflove #middlegrade #justkidslit

For book marketing enquiries please contact info.booksontour@gmail.com

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