Rollo’s Wet Surprise STEM Education

#rolloswetsurprise #bookcampaign #booksontourpr In Rollo’s Wet Surprise, Rollo the dog discovers that his inquisitive nature leads him to a rather unexpected, wet surprise in the pool. Unknowingly putting himself in danger, Rollo learns a valuable lesson when it comes to being aware of boundaries in and around unfamiliar territory. Being responsible for our pets and understanding […]

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Activities with The Post Office Pup by Marg Gibbs

There’s so much to learn and engage in with the themes delivered in The Post Office Pup by Marg Gibbs and Alicia Rogerson. For children, how often do they participate in local postal services, such as sending and receiving letters and parcels, and visiting the Post Office? What do they know about different delivery options, […]

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Ocean Devotion Activity: Plastic Bottle Planters

#oceandevotion #bookcampaign #booksontourpr In Ocean Devotion, Kalea and Hiapo discover the unsettling truth about the shimmering mountain on the ocean surface, and are dismayed to find the beautiful waters in Hawaii polluted with plastic. Determined to save the marine life and restore the sea’s health, the pair have some ideas on what to do to reduce […]

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Australia Remembers Educational Activities: Customs and Traditions

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Australia Remembers series provides a plethora of opportunities for students to explore historical facts, traditions and personal meaning in relation to the studies of Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and the customs of the Australian Defence Force. Topics including the Anzac spirit, commemorative services, symbols and emblems, mottos, defence force practices and more can […]

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Educational Activities: Responsibility with The Mouse and the Egg

#thewindandthemouse #themousenandtheegg #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Willing Kids Program series provides myriad of opportunities for literacy and social-emotional growth in young children, and to a range of abilities. The first two books, The Wind and the Mouse and The Mouse and the Egg, focus on themes such as kindness, responsibility, adapting to change and courage, in fun, gentle and […]

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Ten Naughty Numbats Number Games

#onetotenandbackagain #tennaughtynumbats #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The One to Ten and Back Again series opens up so many possibilities for number activities in terms of counting by ones, adding on and counting back by ones. For children in the early years (preschool to Year 2), grasping the concept of counting sets up learning for all kinds of mathematical […]

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Imagination to Paper – Interview with Grace Nolan

#onetotenandbackagain #tennaughtynumbats #bookcampaign #booksontourpr It’s a pleasure to have Grace Nolan grace us with her presence, answering questions about her delightfully lively counting series, One to Ten and Back Again. With the first book, Ten Naughty Numbats, recently released, and the following; Ten Bush Babies and Ten Lively Lorikeets out soon, these handy, clever and engaging […]

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Dino-Riffic Educational Activities for Fossil Frenzy

#theadamsonadventures #fossilfrenzy #bookcampaign #booksontourpr There is HUGE learning potential in Sandra Bennett’s Fossil Frenzy in terms of literacy and science understandings for children in the middle grade age bracket. In these engaging activities, students will use their hypothesising, analysing and fine motor skills to uncover scientific discoveries with regard to Australian dinosaurs and the formation […]

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Verityville Education: Cardboard City Craft

#verityville #bookcampaign #booksontourpr Verityville is a marvellous place to be – full of wonder, friendship and adventure! Verityville is a town with wonderful people who live and work there. It’s about ordinary, everyday people who make a big difference to our lives. Immerse yourselves in the town of Verityville, and the very town of where […]

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I-Message Interactive Communication: Gorkle Education Activity

#gorkle #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 Gorkle is a story that focuses on delivering messages – literally, through appropriate means of digital and face-to-face communication. Reinforcing the notion of effective communication and social skills through a digital learning platform, students can practice using ‘I-messages’ in a range of scenarios. That is, they will speak to one another using […]

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