#BookReviews: Touching Picture Books that Light Up the World

I was fortunate to receive two touching picture books recently, which both, in different yet similar ways, capture visual and emotive beauty in their centring around themes of friendship and overcoming challenges, whether this is as a young girl in a village or as a lonely snail in a scary garden. Both equally stunning and […]

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The Illustration Process for Solo Dan with Kym Langfield

#solodan #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day4 Don’t you find the book illustration process fascinating? We do, and we’re enthralled by Kym Langfield‘s video where she explains each step of the process from observations to rough sketches to watercolours and text placement. She even has a secret knack to help her process move quickly and seamlessly… illustrators, you’ll […]

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Amy Illustrates – A Sneak Peek into the Art Process with Amy Calautti

#whenthemoonisasmile #blogtour #booksontourpr #day3 For those of you who already follow the talented Amy Calautti on social media, you will have had the fortunate visual pleasure of absorbing her incredible portfolio. Here, Amy walks us through her art process for each piece – this may of interest in particular to fellow artists out there! And […]

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Want to See More of Bruno?

#brunotheboisterousbluedogfromthebush #blogtour #booksontour #day12 Want to see even more of Bruno the Boisterous Blue Dog from the Bush? Take a look at some of its exuberant pages, with lively narrative by Robyn Osborne, and energetic illustrations by John Phillips. Published by Big Sky Publishing. #audiovisual #friendship #alliteration #australia #language   Robyn Osborne: website | facebook | instagram […]

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KidLitVic2017 Reflections

I’m still buzzing after a day of encouragement, empowerment and energy. A day filled with camaraderie, connections and reverence. KidLitVic Meet the Publishers Conference 2017 in Melbourne on May 20th certainly achieved its goals for attendees to network, showcase talents, and “kick-start, build, reinvigorate and strengthen” our creative journeys. Conference organisers, Alison Reynolds, Coral Vass, Jaquelyn […]

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KidLitVic2016 Meet the Publishers Day by Alison Reynolds

Guest Post by Alison Reynolds Just Write For Kids is delighted to welcome Alison Reynolds to share about her exciting upcoming event – KidLitVic2016 in Melbourne this May. Alison and Dee White together have organised this prodigious occasion in support of emerging and accomplished authors and illustrators seeking tips and feedback from expert publishing professionals. […]

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Finding ‘The One’

How do you know when you’ve found ‘The One’? Readers, you haven’t mistakenly visited a dating site. ‘The One’ I’m referring to, is an illustrator. That wonderfully, talented creator, ready and willing to marry your words with faithful, kind and nurturing artistry. Imagery that makes your text sing, shout, giggle and shows more of your […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! Step Nine

9. Illustrate I know I could illustrate a book if I chose to! Confidence for this comes from understanding that everyone can draw. Everyone. It is a universal skill and it is learnt. Those who are amazing illustrators do one thing I don’t – practice, practice, practice. For this reason alone, I now outsource and […]

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