The Quick Six Interview with Wanda Gibson on Three Dresses

It was such a delight to chat with debut author and illustrator Wanda Gibson about her new release, ‘Three Dresses’. Wanda’s energy comes through in her story based on her childhood and holidays with her family in Far North Queensland. Her illustrations capture the joy of simple things such as walks on the beach, climbing […]

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Pitch It! Competition 2020 Shortlists Announced!

Last week we announced the longlists for the 2020 Pitch It! Competition, and well, that was exciting enough! Today, we are absolutely BUZZING with excitement to find out which of our fabulous Pitch It! entries made the shortlists! These talented writers will all receive feedback on their pitches from our hard-working judges – please expect […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Pip Harry

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Pip Harry! Just Write For Kids is excited to feature a new face to the blog, award-winning author, Pip Harry, introducing her latest middle grade novel, The Little Wave! 🙂 About the Author Pip Harry is the author of young adult novels I’ll Tell You Mine, Head of the River and […]

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