The Quick Six Interview with Joel Slack-Smith and Rebel Challenger on Roarsome

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Joel Slack-Smith and Rebel Challenger! It was a pleasure to chat to awesome duo, debut author Joel Slack-Smith and illustrator Rebel Challenger about their new collaboration, Roarsome, which is the first in a junior fiction series. With Joel’s background in writing for kids’ animation and Rebel’s quirky illustration style, they are […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Wanda Gibson on Three Dresses

It was such a delight to chat with debut author and illustrator Wanda Gibson about her new release, ‘Three Dresses’. Wanda’s energy comes through in her story based on her childhood and holidays with her family in Far North Queensland. Her illustrations capture the joy of simple things such as walks on the beach, climbing […]

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Lesley Gibbes – To Infinity and beyond part 2

In my first interview with children’s author Lesley Gibbes (see it here) the standout messages for me were: The importance of: Reading good literature Playing around in the literary space (writing skits, plays, even telling stories through dance) Attending courses and building connections Hard work and perseverance. This is Part 2 of my interview with Lesley […]

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What Makes Picture Book Creators Happy

In the last two posts on picture books, I explored what makes a successful book, and how best to utilise them. Today I’m reflecting on some past interviews with the very writers of those wonderful pieces of art, and more specifically, what creating these literary jewels means to them. Which responses resonate most with you? […]

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Lesley Gibbes – to infinity and beyond…

Last month I attended the launch for Lesley Gibbes’ second published picture book Bring a Duck at the Children’s Bookshop in Beecroft, Sydney. Lesley has had phenomenal success since her launch into the children’s book scene last year with her first ever picture book, Scary Night, illustrated by Stephen Michael King. I am excited that […]

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Lesley Gibbes – to infinity and beyond…

Last month I attended the launch for Lesley Gibbes’ second published picture book Bring a Duck at the Children’s Bookshop in Beecroft, Sydney. Lesley has had phenomenal success since her launch into the children’s book scene last year with her first ever picture book, Scary Night, illustrated by Stephen Michael King. I am excited that […]

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A Curious Tale: Interview with Longy Han

Longy Han loves a bit of adventure and travel, and with her natural curiosity and imagination, she aptly developed her new book series, ‘The Curious Travels of Gusto & Gecko’. Longy’s personal journey resulted in this wondrous quest between a pair of time-travelling dinosaurs, taking on the world one city at a time. The first […]

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The Rise and Rise of Shelly Unwin Part 3

Today is the last interview with Shelly Unwin in which we look at some of the ‘nuts and bolts’ of her steps to her publishing dream. They include practical advice for anyone who is interested in getting published. The things that impress me loud and clear from your story, Shelly are: although these books are […]

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The Rise and Rise of Shelly Unwin Part 2

                                                                Today is Part 2 of my interview with Shelly Unwin – newly signed author. For part 1 go here (I’ve highlighted some themes […]

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Practice Makes Perfect

In my last post interview with Shelly Unwin, she said: If I’d had the same idea three years earlier though, my execution wouldn’t have been anywhere near where it was when this idea formed. I had taken time to learn the craft and really understand how to structure a picture book and really speak to […]

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