The Art of an Illustrator: Laura Stitzel on 100 School Days

Welcome to The Art of an Illustrator with Laura Stitzel! We’re delighted to welcome supremely talented author-illustrator, Laura Stitzel, to talk about her illustrative journey working on the gorgeous picture book (written by Deborah Frenkel), 100 School Days. How pertinent that Laura shares her own process about a book that celebrates just that – all […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Ashleigh Mounser on Blair Moon

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Ashleigh Mounser! It’s such a delight to welcome talented writer and author, Ashleigh Mounser, to the blog to talk about her very ‘cool’ and supremely funny new middle grade title, Blair Moon: How to be Cooler Than the Moon. From nursing home to primary school, Blair Moon is set to trade […]

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The Quick Six Interview with Karen Tyrrell

Welcome to #TheQuickSixInterview with Karen Tyrrell! It is always a pleasure to follow the success journey of award-winning author, Karen Tyrrell, ready to celebrate the release of yet another wonderfully empowering children’s book! Multi-competition shortlister, Andy & Ghost Boy is a funny and powerful middle grade novel full of twists, turns and energy that also […]

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Magic and the Moon: Teaching Notes for The Rabbit’s Magician

#therabbitsmagician #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Rabbit’s Magician is a beautiful, poignant story of comfort during a time of loss. Author, Shae Millward, was inspired by The Law of Conservation of Energy –a fundamental law of nature. This law states: energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can change from one form into another. It is a […]

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Imagine Our Special Place Educational Activities

#imagineourspecialplace #bookcampaign #booksontour Imagine Our Special Place is an uplifting and joyful story that celebrates life through the difficulties of adversity. With themes of sparking the imagination and special relationships, this picture book is glowing with emotion. Stemming from her own losses, author Kelly Louise Jarris, together with illustrator Sandunika Dissanayake, have brought a softness […]

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Learning to Get Ready with Get Ready, Mama!

Get Ready, Mama! is a must-have toolkit that guides its readers with all the necessary information (and hopefully the motivation) needed to getting up and ready, and getting others up and ready, for the day. The book touches on putting oneself in another’s shoes, mixed in with the amusement of a role reversal situation. Imagine having […]

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Learn about The Lady with the Lamp: Educational Activities

#carlymillspioneergirl #theladywiththelamp #bookcampaign #booksontourpr In The Lady with the Lamp, Carly Mills and her friends are thrust back in time to the mid 1800s, where they meet the inspirational founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale. Travelling through London and the Crimea in Turkey, they discover what life was like for women, and how healthcare and sanitation […]

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#BookReview: You Can Be A Writer by Teena Raffa-Mulligan
You Can Be a Writer

#youcanbeawriter #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #BookReview You Can Be A Writer, Teena Raffa-Mulligan (author), Sea Song Publications, February 2021. Blurb: Anyone can write stories. You can too! Writing stories is like having an adventure. This book will lead you on your own story adventure. Imagination is your passport. It can take you anywhere. Start with an idea… choose […]

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Australia Remembers Educational Activities: Customs and Traditions

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Australia Remembers series provides a plethora of opportunities for students to explore historical facts, traditions and personal meaning in relation to the studies of Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and the customs of the Australian Defence Force. Topics including the Anzac spirit, commemorative services, symbols and emblems, mottos, defence force practices and more can […]

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Fun Fast Facts: What Do You Know About Allison Paterson?

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr  Just like her book, Australia Remembers: Customs and Traditions of the Australian Defence Force, Allison Paterson is full of interesting facts and insights that bring us joy in knowing more about her. Here, just like the book, we uncover some fascinating ‘fast facts’ that Allison has shared in a fun way! Enjoy! 🙂 […]

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