Learn about The Lady with the Lamp: Educational Activities

#carlymillspioneergirl #theladywiththelamp #bookcampaign #booksontourpr In The Lady with the Lamp, Carly Mills and her friends are thrust back in time to the mid 1800s, where they meet the inspirational founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale. Travelling through London and the Crimea in Turkey, they discover what life was like for women, and how healthcare and sanitation […]

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Australia Remembers Educational Activities: Customs and Traditions

#australiaremembers2 #customsandtraditionsoftheadf #bookcampaign #booksontourpr The Australia Remembers series provides a plethora of opportunities for students to explore historical facts, traditions and personal meaning in relation to the studies of Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and the customs of the Australian Defence Force. Topics including the Anzac spirit, commemorative services, symbols and emblems, mottos, defence force practices and more can […]

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A Keepsake of Positivity: Educational Resources for We’re All in This Together

#wereallinthistogether #bookcampaign #booksontourpr We’re All in This Together is a book that will keep the discussion on the effects of the pandemic open to children for some time to come. As we begin to prepare for another school year, adapting to a new kind of normal, and possibly even adopting a forward-thinking approach to what the […]

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Verityville Education: Cardboard City Craft

#verityville #bookcampaign #booksontourpr Verityville is a marvellous place to be – full of wonder, friendship and adventure! Verityville is a town with wonderful people who live and work there. It’s about ordinary, everyday people who make a big difference to our lives. Immerse yourselves in the town of Verityville, and the very town of where […]

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Heartfelt Dreams and Feathers: Ideas for Capturing Loving Memories

#feathers #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 With regard to the themes of empowerment, grief, family, hope and memories in Karen Hendriks and Kim Fleming‘s picture book, Feathers, here are a couple of ideas to help children manage loss of a loved one in positive ways.  *Feathers is written by Karen Hendriks, illustrated by Kim Fleming, published by […]

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Educational Activity: Re-Creating Scenes from Carly Mills

#CarlyMillsANewWorld #bookcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 With respect to the themes of women’s rights, adventure, immigration, social philanthropy, communities in the past and present, Australian history and people of influence in Jane Smith’s Carly Mills, Pioneer Girl series, we will be exploring scenes from the book, A New World and re-creating some of what it was like […]

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Hayden’s Bedtime Clock Craft
Hayden's Bedtime activities

#haydensbedtime #blogcampaign #booksontourpr #day5 Hayden’s Bedtime Clock Craft Combining aspects of bedtime routines, seeking comfort and telling the time, today we are going to create a piece that involves fine motor, mathematical and interpersonal skills. Using the literature to discuss the character’s feelings, and relating his routine to our own experiences, children will reflect a […]

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Raymund and the Fear Monster Blow Art Activity

#raymundandthefearmonster #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 Managing Emotions Through Art! To create the stunningly detailed artwork in ‘Raymund and the Fear Monster‘, illustrator Ester de Boer meticulously sketched line after line, dot, etch, dash and swish through the use of fine ink, textured shadings and illuminating yet subtle wisps of colour. To start, let’s take a look […]

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Kisses in Your Heart Educational Activities

#kissesinyourheart #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 “Hand on my heart, a sparkle smile warms my lips for a little while.” Discussion Do you have a family member (or more than one) that makes you feel safe, secure and loved? What does it mean to be loved? What does it feel like? Have there been times when you […]

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Colour Mixing Kangaroo Vignettes

#colouroos #blogtour #booksontourpr #day5 Colour Mixing Kangaroo Vignettes One of the most beautiful scenes in Colouroos is the nighttime landscape where the three different coloured mobs of kangaroos come together to watch a dance of colour in the twinkling sky. Not only is this a stunningly visual piece that artist / author, Anna McGregor has […]

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