You have the right to see your words in print! Step Six

6. Write You may be described as a ‘pantser’ – someone who can make decisions, flying by the seat of their pants, embracing creativity as it strikes. You may be a ‘planner’ – someone who needs to methodically map out their story, using page numbers and a prescribed plot line. Neither is right or wrong, […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! Step Five

5. You need an idea! Whaaaat! I hear you say! So late in the process! You have already decided to create something from nothing haven’t you? Well, the actual idea of the topic or the subject matter doesn’t need to be determined until right now. Insane to shift the paradigm like this, but I am […]

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Practice Makes Perfect

In my last post interview with Shelly Unwin, she said: If I’d had the same idea three years earlier though, my execution wouldn’t have been anywhere near where it was when this idea formed. I had taken time to learn the craft and really understand how to structure a picture book and really speak to […]

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Useful Links to Help Flush Blockages! 

Guest Post by J.R.Poulter My tried and true way to overcome a bit of a blank spot in writing is to leave it.  Down pen or off computer and do something else totally unrelated for a while. If the story then doesn’t flow the way I want, I put it away till I feel inspired […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! Step Four

4. SWOT Yourself! Using this simple tool, do a little self-analysis to determine the path you will take as a published author. A SWOT analysis is four part matrix, focusing on your Strengths, Weaknesses, and at the Opportunities and Threats in the marketplace. By committing to paper a list of things you are good at; […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! Step Three

3. Purchase your ISBN An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is the identification your book needs to distinguish it from material that is merely printed. It is an indication you have an insight into Copyright Law and you will lodge your book with the National Library of Australia and your state library. Already over-whelmed? Don’t […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! STEP TWO

2. Make a booking for a venue for the books launch. You think I am going mad – but you have now given yourself a deadline for this project! And I need a deadline! The latest book I have created languished in a bottom drawer for years and I would put off the project at […]

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You have the right to see your words in print! STEP ONE

Tell EVERYBODY And I mean, EVERYBODY you plan to create a picture book. As soon as you offer your thoughts to the universe, your family and the lady next door, even the milkman, well, all of a sudden you are held accountable. Years ago, I mentioned I was passionate about the idea of creating a […]

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Celebrate the small steps.

Celebrate the small steps. There are many quotes about celebrating the small steps. There is no one giant step that does it, it’s a lot of little steps. (Peter A Cohen) While working to attain your goal, don’t forget to pause and celebrate the little victories along the way. (Unknown) Don’t wait until you’ve reached […]

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You have the right to see your words in print!

There has never been a better time to be you, an aspiring writer happily pursuing the ultimate goal – a published book! It rolls off the tongue (or rather, rolls off the keyboard) yet it is, in reality, true. The world is yours – now go and get it. 10 steps to publication – guaranteed! […]

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